Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Thoughts after  Reading The Intro and section 1 and 2 of the following

De Rosa, C., Cantrell, J., Havens, A., Hawk, J. & Jenkins, L. (2007). Sharing privacy and trust in our networked world: A report to the OCLC membership. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.  [ebook] Available

How do the concepts and findings in these sections of the OCLC report reflect your view of the socially networked world in 2012?

The socially networked world is a fast growing phenomenon. So fast in fact that many people do not stop to investigate various sites and the potential 'side effects'. People from older generations seem to be more cautious. Many of my friends 50+ are not on any networked site or if they are they use it sparingly.

I am amazed how many friends or acquaintances do not fully understand repercussions. I am also staggered by the amount of children under the age of 13 who are on sites such as Facebook. It seems that either their parents have allowed this or they themselves have altered the date of birth. These young people have interesting photos and they name their acquaintances. They have not put safety checks in place.

It is amazing how you can follow links and learn information about' friends' of  'friends' . I am certain that they wold be unaware who has access to these. The more prudent people are those who block the way, unless you ask to be invited.

I feel that I am more secure by being part of a group, like INF. It is a responsible way of learning about various aspects of networking.

I was also amazed how many sites are out there in the world. I also discovered that many of the findings were not surprising to me.

Monday, 19 November 2012

INF 506 Assignment 1: OLJ creation and first entry
A. What is Social Networking?

Social networking is a method of interacting with other people through a variety of digital media and technologies. It establishes interconnected internet communities that enable users to make contact with others with common interests, from around the world. Social networking enables users to articulate and make visible their social interests. This can result in connection between individuals and within groups.

Social networking has enabled internet users from being mainly searchers of information to being creators of information, building content and establishing online communities. It allows users to think critically, communicate with others, collaborate on projects and to be creative.

B. My Social networking technologies and sites

I started this blog as part of my TL studies.

I joined Facebook about 2 years ago but usually access it when I get an e-mail that informs me that there is new activity.I usually ask advice from my sons, in their early twenties, for assistance.

I am an avid user of Skype as I have friends and family overseas and interstate.  You can chat, view and post messages. It is not a Web 2.0 tool but it is a form of connection with others. I find it easier to keep the thread of the conversation.

C. My Expected Learning Outcome on INF506

As a 21st century teacher and learner I am aware of the need to be open to new technologies. Since commencing my CSU studies in November 2011 I have become more aware of this. I also have a daughter who is in her first year of high school and I feel it is important for me to try to understand some of the social networking  sites that are available. I hope that my immersion in this subject will enable me to be a more confident active participant in 21st Century technologies. I look forward to learning  about the ethical standards and benefits, of social networking ,for school communities

Saturday, 11 August 2012

ETL504 Choosing a Change Process Model to allay teacher concerns about a Web2.0 App

Assessment 1 Part B

The purpose of this paper (presentation) is to show how teacher concerns, towards a Web2.0 App., can be addressed through them experiencing stages in a change process model. The model experienced will be The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM). The CBAM is a change model in which relationships between users and the resource system of an innovation can be examined. (Donovan, 2007, p.267). In this presentation the users will be a small group of primary school teachers and the resource will be a Web 2.0 App. The App chosen will be a Blog. The teacher librarian (TL) will be the facilitator of the change.

Description of a Web2.0App
A Web 2.0 App is characterised by three elements: information sharing, user-cantered design and collaboration (Crotty, R. 2012). A Blog is a Web 2.0 App

"Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. It is a publishing tool that allows authors to quickly and easily self-publish text, artwork, links to other blogs or Web sites, and a whole array of other content. (Crie, 2006)

In education blogs have many educational benefits. Some of these are:
Blogs work well for students because they can be worked on at virtually any time, in any place with an Internet-enabled computer.  A class blog opens the opportunity for students to discuss topics outside of the classroom. Students have time to be reactive to one another and reflective.

Teachers can also bring together a group of knowledgeable individuals for a given unit of study for students to network and conference with on a blog.
Blogs can be effective forums for collaboration and discussion.

Summary of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM)
The Concerns-Based Adoption Model, or CBAM, is a conceptual framework first proposed in 1973 by Hall, Wallace, and Dossett. It describes, explains, and predicts probable teacher concerns and behaviours throughout the school change process.

In today's new era of accountability in education, CBAM can help districts and schools respond to federal requirements for standards-based reform as well as fostering a culture of continuous improvement. (Intro)
The three diagnostic tools of the CBAM user system are the Stages of Concern (SoC), Levels of Use (LoU), and Innovation Configurations (IC). (Donovan, 2007, p.267). Stages of Concern (SoC) use a questionnaire to help identify and describe the concerns teachers have during the implementation process. They are a way of accessing information about people's attitudes, or reactions, or feelings about a new program or a new practice. (Hord , in CBAM Video SoC).  Levels of Use (LoU) use an interview protocol to assess the degree to which a teacher is using an innovation. Innovation Configurations (IC) is a tool for identifying and describing the various forms of an innovation that different teachers adopt. Intro what it does is to explicitly spell out what the new practice will look like when it is in operation in the classroom." (Hord in CBAM  Video IC Transcript.)

The first principal diagnostic dimension of CBAM is Stages of Concern.
There are seven different stages of feelings and perceptions that educators experience when they are implementing a new program or practice (SEDL)

The first three concerns are focused on self, the next concern is on the mastery of the task, and the last three concerns are around results and impact on others.
The second principal diagnostic dimension of CBAM is Levels of Use:

There are eight behavioural profiles that describe a different set of actions and behaviours that educators engage in as they become more familiar with and more skilled in using an innovation or adopting a change (SEDL)
The third principal diagnostic dimension of CBAM is Innovation Configurations.
Different ways an innovation may be implemented, shown along a continuum from ideal implementation or practice to least desirable practice

An Overview of a plan for implementation of Blogs
Stage of concern
Level of use
Innovation Configuration
(TL as change facilitator)
0. Non-Use
There is no action or involvement.
The teachers in the selected group are not familiar with blogs
Level 0
There is no awareness of any change taking place
Use a questionnaire to help identify and describe the concerns the focus group has during the implementation process.
Make the group aware of the characterisation of Web2.0 Apps through their three elements: information sharing, user-centred design and collaboration. Brainstorm if they know any. Refer to state guidelines and standards as to the expectation of the need to use Information Technology in a collaborative and interactive way. Explain that a Blog is a Web2.0 App. for the above reasons.
Level 1
Seeking information
Send out a description of Blogs and their educational benefits by e-mail and also place a hard copy in their staff ‘mailboxes. Ask the members to peruse the information and to highlight or record any insights or concerns. Encourage them to send questions to you via email or through mailbox.
0I. Orientation
There is a general interest and group members are taking an initiative to learn more about the innovation.
Provide workshops to share insights and to address the concerns from the previous literature. Provide opportunity for other members of staff, with previous experience with blogs, to come to the workshop.
Share state and national guidelines and acceptable use policies (AUP) regarding the use of school and other computer networks and the Internet.
Level 2
How will using it affect me?
Conduct demonstrations of setting up different blogs for different purposes. Provide time management on a personal basis.  Allocate varied times for each group member. Choose times that are convenient for group members.
II. Preparation
There are definite plans to begin participating with the innovation. The members are learning the processes and skills needed for successful application.
Model and practice with teaming strategies and form a consensus on area for group to focus. It could be on an interest level, for example, Recipes or on an educational level. Encourage the group members to blog on a regular basis.
Use begins
III. Mechanical
Early stages of application. Emphasis is on day to day use of the innovation with little reflection
Encourage study and research to deepen content knowledge about blogs.
Promote team members regular self-assessments of their teamwork
Level 3
How can I master the skills and fit it all in?
Provide suggestions for time management for blogging in the classroom.
Organise some release time to gather and organise materials and walk through procedures.
Provide logistical help and support
Review policies and guidelines pertaining to student access
Few or no changes are being made. There is limited though given to improving the use of the innovation.
Encourage further study and research to deepen content knowledge about blogs.
Take the necessary steps to inform parents of procedures and secure parental permission before using the blog in a participatory manner.
Determine that all students' AUPs are in place and up to date. Teach students safe, acceptable, and sensible behaviour as online authors and readers. Teach the non-posting rules of no complete names, e-mail accounts, or references to reveal location. Set clear expectations regarding tone, respect, and consequences.
Level 4
How can I refine it to have more impact?
Provide or organise professional development focused on areas where teachers want to enhance student learning. Remember to form a consensus on area for group to focus.
Provide discussion around suggestions for broadening students’ participation and motivation.
Changes are being made to the innovation to increase impact and consequences.
As a group develop and use joint instructional strategies.
Allow for group members to observe each other using the instructional strategies. Examine student work- are the using safe, acceptable, and sensible behaviour as online authors and readers.
Level 5
How can I relate what I am doing to what others are doing?
Organise opportunities for collaborative teaching and use of demonstration lessons.
V. Integration
Intentional efforts are being made to collaborate with others to have a combined impact.
Share blog activities and information across the school community.
Work with colleagues to further develop joint instructional practices
Level 6
I have some ideas about something that would work even better
Review the key elements of blogs.
Engage students in self-assessment of how well they are using blogs and what could they do to strengthen it.
VI. Renewal
Group members reflect on the innovation and investigate ways to make the innovation effective to achieve greater impact.
Provide consistent and regular support


Planned on-going support
In the book Taking Charge of Change (Hord, Rutherford, Huling-Austin, & Hall,1987), the authors propose that before change can happen in schools, teachers need to pass through several stages of concern. Only when teachers reach the top “impact” stages of concern will the innovation be implemented appropriately.
It can take a long time for the CBAM process to conclude, sometimes even years. Teachers will be at various levels of the model. At times various outside factors can prevent the initial target group from completing the change process. As new technologies are made available sometimes a Web2.0 App. might be superseded by something more user –friendly.

The initial focus group could be encouraged to collaborate with the TL in presenting the blog, using the CBAM they experienced, to another group of teachers that are at the lower levels of concern and use. As more teachers became confident they could then continue the process.

The TL could adapt the CBAM to another Web 2.0 App or another educational innovation.
The focus group could join a professional blog and share their knowledge with other teachers in other parts of the world. The TL is to continue to support focus group as well as new groups, through the use of the CBAM and its diagnostic tools of the Stages of Concern (SoC), Levels of Use (LoU), and Innovation Configurations (IC).

  1. Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Video: Introduction to the CBAM  Retrieved from
  2. Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Video: Innovation Configurations Retrieved from
  3. Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Video: Levels of Use Retrieved from
  4. Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Video: Stages of Concern Retrieved from
  5. Crie, M ((2006). Using Blogs to Integrate Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved from
  6. Crotty, R, (2012) ETL 504 Wiki Retrieved from
  7. Donovan, L., Hartley, K & Strudler, N. (Spring, 2007) Teacher Concerns During Initial Implementation of a One-to-One Laptop Initiative at Middle School Level. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 39(3), 263-286. Retrieved from  

Monday, 30 January 2012

Changing views of the role of teacher librarian

ETL401 Assignmment 2

Task C

A critical synthesis of your reflection on how your view of the role of the teacher librarian may have changed during the subject. This should include examples captured from your personal blog and from participation in the ETL401 forum.

In my first blog I muse about how the family is like a mini-library with all its collections and about the importance of consultation when planning. In the blog there seems to be a hint of my general awareness of the intricacies of a library. However the terminology is not library appropriate. As the course progresses I am continually bombarded with more appropriate terminology.

Kukielka E. Beginnings Retrieved January,30. Retrieved from

In ‘Website Labyrinth’ I am going, inadvertently, through Kulthau’s ISP model. I am frustrated and I need assistance. When I think about it the whole course has really been an aspect of IL models or ISP processes. The feelings aspects are quite important. There have been areas where I have required more assistance than in others.

Kukielka E. Website Labyrinth. Retrieved January,30. Retrieved from

An important aspect of a TL is being to locate information. Rather than relying on Wikipedia or Google it is important to look at professional literature and research articles. The section about using journal database was most informative. I was able to understand that you need to rely on a variety of sources. It also helped me understand the importance of key words and narrowing the field. I was able to compare Academic Search versus Informit.

Kukielka E. (2011, November 21) [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from

In Topic 2 we looked at the role of TLs. I was able to compare a statement from a school where I once worked to other professional documents. I discovered that some items were exactly the same. Late in the course, through another subject, I understood the need to acknowledge sources.

Kukielka E. (2011,November 25). [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from 

Kukielka E.Copyright. Retrieved January,30. from

There was also discussion regarding prioritising the role TL play at school. Purcell promoted the concept of time study. I shared my experience of working at a library as a casual teacher and noting down everything I did during an administration block. I noted this down before I had commenced this course. Actually this was one incident that inspired me to learn more about being a teacher librarian.  Those days made me realise how other teachers perceive the role of the TL .

Kukielka E. (2011,November 25. 9.44pm)). [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from 

( I cut and pasted the link and it came up the same as above.)

I also wrote about how the role of the TL is being downgraded  and the importance of teachers to  collaborate with the TL when selecting resources. At this stage I was unfamiliar with the term ’collaboration’ in relation to TLs.

In Topic 3 I wrote about the need for change. It is important to be flexible from year to year. As the world changes we need to keep up with developments. Students coming into our care will have been exposed to various technologies while still at home.

Kukielka E. (2011,January18). [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from

In the TL and the curriculum I wrote about how some classroom teacher are resistant to change. The more I read professional and research articles the more I am aware of  new concepts regarding teacher librarian initiatives. In addition to what I wrote I feel that all teachers should be encouraged to access professional readings. The readings should be not just about teachers but also about the importance of other specialists within the school. During this course we have read about how the teacher role of the teacher librarian is misunderstood. AS a former ESL, Reading recovery teacher I fully understand that those roles have also been misunderstood.

TLs understand the importance of IL strategies to enable students to transfer this knowledge to other situations. They are finding it hard to implement this across the whole school due to time allocation. I gave an example of one way to be able to do this.

Kukielka E. (2011,January26). [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from

Kuhlthau, Caspari and Maniotes (2007) look at the difference between assessment and evaluation in Guided Inquiry. They write about on-going assessment and not just looking at content but how students access the content. In response to this I wrote about the way projects were researched and presented about 15 years ago. This can be compared in relation to the various IL models and ISP processes

Kukielka E. (2012,January26). [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from

On the 25th January there was a discussion between Amanda Davis, Helen Tindall (Mandie) and myself about Langford’s article. We were looking at is there a time when someone is fluent in information literacy. Through the discussion we covered some of the stages of IL. There is a need, you use various sources to locate the information and then you can present the information in a variety of ways. A person in a western culture would be information literate differently to a person living in the Amazon basin. I am only including the link where the discussion starts. There are six links in all.

Davis A. (2011 December 16) [Online forum comment] Retrieved from

There are quite a few challenges to collaboration. Some factors could be: not understanding fully the strengths of the teacher librarian, some class teachers finding security in working in a class with their own students or only one class teacher from a grade collaborating with the TL and the other teachers not fully understanding the importance of what has been planned.

KukielkaE. (2012 January 12 ). [Online forum comment] Retrieved from

I have a better understanding of the role of the teacher librarian. I was aware of some aspects of it however other roles have been clarified. It is also important to promote the roles overtly and to inform classroom teachers, specialist teachers and school leadership teams of any new insights into the role and the benefits that this role can be in promoting information literacy.


Isbell., D., & Kammerlocher, L. (1998) Implementing Kuhlthau: A new Model for Library and Reference Instruction . In RSR: Reference Services Review, 26(3-4)  p33- 44. Retrieved from

Kuhlthau, C. C., Caspari, A. K., & Maniotes, L. K. (2007). Introduction to guided inquiry – What is it, what’s new, why now?. In Guided inquiry: Learning in the 21st century. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited. Retrieved from

Langford, L. (1998) Information literacy: a clarification. School Libraries Worldwide, 4, 1, 59-72. Retrieved from

 New South Wales Department of Education(n.d) .Smartcopying: The Official Guide to Copyright Issues for Australian Schools and TAFE. Retrieved from 16/01/2012