Friday, 5 April 2013

ETL503 Resourcing the Curriculum

Outcomes  (Notes for Assignment 1, Part C)
Teacher librarians, in collaboration with teachers and other professional staff, should consider a variety of criteria for selection of resources. The selectors should have a knowledge of: the curriculum, child development, student achievement levels, collection development and resource selection criteria (W.A. Dept. Of Education, 2013).
Hughes-Hassell and Mancall (2005, pp.46-47) have provided the following set of contextualised general selection criteria: The authors’ primary considerations are appropriateness, scope, accuracy, treatment, arrangement and organisation, authority, comparison with other works. Their secondary considerations physical quality, aesthetic quality, literary merit, and the reputation of the author or illustrator.

Selection aids might be helpful in finding out what is out there but it is still necessary to decide whether a resource is suitable or not (Kennedy, 2006, p. 49) .This is where a set of selection criteria will be most useful.
Initially, they should consider the educational value within the context of the learning program. Next they should look at consistency with department policies and guidelines. Then they need to look whether the resource is appropriate for the age group of the students. Another aspect is the physical quality and suitability of material.

 Furthermore, the teacher librarian needs to be familiar with the framework developed for English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) that provides a process for evaluating features of inclusivity when selecting texts for use by learners from a non-English speaking background.

 Particular care also needs to be taken when selecting materials with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content—a set of protocols has been developed by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Library and Information Resource Network. Consideration also needs to be given to various aspects related to the various media such as, print, film and online access.

 The teacher librarian should also be familiar with review procedures which would be in place for responding to changes in school or department policies, parent or caregiver concerns, new legislation, the obsolescence of some materials, and the development of new materials and  new media.

Another aspect to consider is the budgeting parameters of the school.  The ideal solution would be to maintain and increase the budget for the school library. One concept is to place budget requests in terms of student expenditure. The idea is to use the average resource prices and compare with the amount that was spent per student. Another one is preparing projected budgets that show student population and expenditures. This allows the teacher librarian, in consultation with the principal, to prepare a budget for the library program. Yet another idea is to take advantage of outside funding to enhance the budget wherein the parents, community groups and business partners are helpful sources for funding. (Young, 2008 p.26-27)

Electronic information resources are assessed using the general criteria identified by Hughes-Hassall and Mancall ,but are also closely evaluated before acquisition against a number of specific criteria relating to the nature of the electronic content. These include format, access capabilities, licensing and technological requirements. Some of these specific criteria are identified below:

The technical requirements would include some of the following: that the product preferably be web based and able to be networked, that there be IP filtering or proxy authentication rather than password, that the product be able to be monitored and at times restrict concurrent usage , and that it does not involve use of persistent cookies.

Functional criteria would include that the e-resource interface be user-friendly, easy to navigate and intuitive; that there be provision of guidance through menus, help screens and tutorials and have an acceptable response time.

Licensing should allow institutional wide access and/or remote user access; protect user confidentiality and privacy; have satisfactory warranty/indemnification clauses and have satisfactory conditions of renewal/cancellation

The resource should be compatible across a range of platforms and should be compatible with existing hardware and software supported by the library. Consideration needs to be given to the additional cost of acquiring, installing and supporting the appropriate software or
multi-media components. (Johnson, 2012)

The publisher and/or vendor should be reliable and stable, provide adequate support materials and training, provide a trial period on request for evaluation and provide regular updates of any database changes/additions/deletions.

New elements are influencing library collections today. These include: open access, Web 2.0, and globalization. Each of these elements affects how and what the library owns, leases, or uses. It is important for teacher librarians, in collaboration with other professional staff,  to select and acquire resources that current and support the learning and teaching needs of the school community.

Hughes-Hassell, S and Mancall, J. (2005). Collection management for youth. Chicago: American Library Association

Johnson, S. (2012). Key issues for e-resource collection development: a guide for libraries, IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Committee.

Kennedy, J. (2006). Collection management: A concise introduction. Wagga Wagga: Centre for Information Studies

The Western Australian Department of Education .(2013). School Library Support: Managing and resourcing school libraries.

Young, R.R. (2008). Eight easy steps to maintain and increase the library media center budget. Library Media Connection, 26(4), 26-27.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

INF506 OLJ Evaluative Report

a) Evaluative Statement

In order to understand social media(SM) it is important to be immersed in it not just read about it. Through participation in Social Networking (SN) sites people learn, through trial and error, the real benefits. However, it is also crucial to step back at various times and reflect on what has been learned through the experience, what the purpose for the immersion is and how others can benefit from the experiences.  Then informed decisions can be made about using social media as a tool.
The four underlying principles of Web 2.0 tools are: Content, Collaboration, Community and Collective Intelligence. Taken together, these four themes constitute the value system of social media. A recent underlying principle is also Crowd Sourcing. (Hay, 2012)

The Library Channel at the Arizona State University (ASU) produces podcasts, videos, and the award-winning Library Minute series to inform the ASU community about services and events. The Library Minute  caters for all members of the community. There is a mixture of visual and aural effects. Amongst the information presented there are word images, real life scenes, video shorts - from current and olden day movies and TV shows- , diagrams, and most of all humour. There is the opportunity to stop the presentation at any time and rewind. This allows the users to access information at their own pace..
The presentations cover: possible  use  of the variety of learning spaces, resources and  ongoing digital technological development which enhances twenty-first century learning for twenty-first century learners. 

The Library Channel has links to Web 2.0 tools and SN sites like twitter, YouTube, flickr, vimeo, itunes and Facebook.

There was also the opportunity to learn how three other libraries benefit from social media. The three libraries were:  Sydney University Library, Sydney, Australia; Macquarie University Library, Sydney, Australia; and New Providence Elementary School Learning Commons (Lexington, South Carolina, USA).

Through immersion in the libraries’ related SN tools of twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Blogs and RSS feed it became evident that are many reasons why libraries should be on social media.

Some of the reasons were: to promote library products and services among online users to potentially attract new patrons, to allow users to access library information on their own platform, to allow users to contribute feedback and to understand users better. More social media uses can be perused on the comparative table at OLJ5 Reasons why libraries should be on social media.

The three libraries allow opportunities for comments about events related to the library. All the libraries have guidelines about what types of comments are allowable. Patrons can post negative comments but they must do so using appropriate language.

The new Macquarie University library, which was completed in 2011 is an example of where collaboration occurred on a number of levels. Information about various meetings can be found on the blog and the Facebook page provides regular information about the library.

At the New Providence Elementary School Learning Commons there was evidence of Web 2.0 tools used for the students to present their work on the learning commons blog.These included podcasts, vokis, fotobabbles, Glogster and Wordle.

The YouTube video called 'Building Academic Library 2.0' provided the opportunity to reflect on some of the advice given by the speakers, especially Meredith Farkas, and to apply it to a known library.

It is important for the TL to collaborate with all members of staff to be truly effective. In order to do this the staff would need to be in-serviced about the current role of TL’s. Only through a common understanding would collaboration be truly effective. 

Another part of the advice concerned the need for the TL to be aware of emerging technologies and allow opportunities to be immersed in the technology. Then it would be important to share the knowledge with staff members. It is necessary to make ‘keeping up’ part of people’s job description. Then they understand that there is value for learning.

It would be necessary to find out what technologies were being used in the classroom and to collate this information. The other staff members’ skills could then be shared with all at an allocated time.

However, it is important to understand the staff members’ needs and limitations. Therefore, staff members would be met at point of need. It is better to explore a few Web 2.0 tools well, than to explore too many too fast.

Finally, communication with patrons is quite important.  As indicated throughout, social media has an important place in the 21st century. Many schools are still reluctant to use social media. There are teachers and TLs within schools that use social media well. These skills could be adapted by the whole school. Students grasp new technology quite quickly. More teachers and executive staff need to be immersed in social media to gain the knowledge necessary to facilitate and support students’ learning.


ALA.(2011) . The State of America’s Libraries Report: Social Networking.  Retrieved from

Farkas, M. (2012, November 29). The entrepreneurial library [web log post]
Retrieved from

Hay, L. (2012). What is Library 2.0? [INF506 Module 3]. Retrieved February 2, 2013, from Charles Sturt University website:

University of California Berkeley Library.(2007). New Directives Initiative: Academic Libraries 2.0 Keynote: Meredith Farkas. Retrieved February 3rd 2013 from

b)Reflective Statement of my development as a social networker

The main reason for enrolling in ‘Social Networking for Information Professionals’ was an awareness that I needed to participate, or immerse, myself in social media in order to remain in touch with 21st century learning tools.

I was aware of social media through the social aspects that my sons, in their early twenties, used to communicate with their friends. They would be aware of social events, plan outings and respond to the world around them. I joined Facebook in mid 2011 when a friend, who was organising a reunion, suggested that it would be a good way to share memories and pictures. As a special group had been created I decided to join. I also thought that I could also link to my sons’ accounts in order to share experiences from their travels. However, this did not eventuate as they have their own world. My posts were few and far between.

I have been using VoIP (Skype) for many years as I have family and friends overseas and interstate. It is a quick audio-visual way to communicate at little or no cost. 

I had used YouTube previously but mainly for entertainment purposes and occasionally at school for educational purposes.

I had some knowledge of blogs but in a way like twitter. I was introduced to blogs in ETL401 but in a way that I did not fully compute. We were asked to start a blog and make posts on it. It was assumed, to a certain degree, that all students had a common understanding. I was unsure what to post, how to post and when to post. My posts were anecdotal and more about my feelings towards learning. It was not until the end that I ‘heard’ about references in blogs.

Social networking tools were not allowed at the school where I taught. Students’ work was stored on the intranet. Students’ only had access to homework and school related activities from home through a password. They could access information about their class but not other classes.

I had knowledge of Web2.0 tools from previous CSU courses but being a novice I tended to do the reading rather than the immersing.

The modules vastly contributed to my understanding of Library 2.0. through social networking sites and their use of social media sites.  Library 2.0 is a service model for library and information agencies, and is based on Web 2.0 principles:  the inherent 4Cs of collaboration, conversation, community and content creation, as well as a recent principle crowd sourcing.

My understandings became more meaningful when I decided to completed a comparative table of three libraries and then comment on why libraries need social media.

As I explored the libraries’ social media networks and their use of social media sites I could find multiple examples of Library 2.0 based on Web 2.0 principles. This was evident in the two university library and one school library.

Initially I chose my project to be about how the library in my local council area uses social networking sites. Unfortunately, due to the time of the year I was unable to proceed with this project. Through VoiIP (Skype) consultation and e-mails I decide do research how primary schools use social media through their social networking. This research further extended the ways in which the 4Cs plus one could be educative.  The global applications were especially beneficial.

Throughout the research I was exposed to blogs, wikis, Facebook, twitter, podcasting, Youtube, RSS feed, widgets and more. I mostly located Australian schools, which are immersed in social networking, from overseas schools and their global projects.  The schools researched were able to maintain privacy through overt information about the purpose of the social media, how to use the social medial and what comments were acceptable. Any comments from the community were moderated to ensure appropriate content.

My social networking skills and understanding of social media has vastly improved.

Facebook has been used through this session as an opportunity for students , the subject coordinator and others to discuss and share their educational experiences. I have also been more active on a personal level and taking some opportunity to inform others of my learning. I have noticed a shift in posts from some of my friends as they discover the true value of Facebook.

I am following a number of people on Twitter not only for social purposes but also educational purposes.

I was able to locate a school friend through LinkedIn who had a ‘closed’ Facebook account which I could not access. Now we are ‘friends’.

While I could not be totally immersed in SecondLife due to technology I understood the possible experiences through images and comments posted on Facebook . I was exposed to Vokis when I explored New Providence Elementary School.

My journey into social media has only recently begun and I envisage that I will be on the lookout for emerging technologies and opportunities to share my learning with others.

As a current casual teacher I come into contact with a variety of schools and intend to spread information about Social Neworking sites and the use of social media. Hopefully more people than just the TLs will listen.


Brooks-Young, S. (2010). Teaching with the tools kids really use: Learning with Web and mobile technologies. Thousand Oaks, Calif. :Corwin.
Retrieved from:

Farkas, M. (2008, 29 January 2011). The essence of Library 2.0?

Hay, L. (2012). Modules. Retrieved from 4cf677e-ec91-4f08-8080-0f7dd953df21

Reynard, R. (2008). Social networking: Learning Theory in Action. Campus Technology magazine. Retrieved from

University of California Berkeley Library.(2007). New Directives Initiative: Academic Libraries 2.0 Keynote: Meredith Farkas. Retrieved February 3rd 2013 from

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

INF506 OLJ Task 5

Reasons why libraries should be on social media

Activity: Select three (3) libraries of your choice that use social networking to meet their goals.Develop a comparative table which documents how each of the libraries use social networking tools to support information service provision, educational programs, conduct business etc.

Based on this comparison (and in no more than 350 words) develop your own list of “Reasons why libraries should be on social media”, and draw upon aspects of these three libraries to illustrate each point.

Libraries chosen that use social networking to meet their goals.

•    Sydney University Library, Sydney, Australia
•    Macquarie University library, Sydney, Australia
•    New Providence Elementary School Learning Commons (Lexington, South Carolina, USA)

Below is the comparative table I developed:

Some reasons why libraries should be on social media

1. To promote library products and services among online users to potentially attract new patrons.
Social media enters the world where the users are. (Farkas in Uni of California, 2007). It offers more than just the traditional ways of promoting libraries, through, posters, newsletters and advertisements.
The three libraries use twitter  and  Facebook for this purpose. They all promote new resources and the school library provides competitions to allow the students to be the first to borrow the new resources.

2.To allow users to access library information on their own platform
All the libraries have a Facebook and Twitter Account. Twitter is the quicker way of being made aware of events related to or promoted by the library. They can the tweet the information to others. The library patron can then go to the library Facebook page when they have more time to interact with further information
The three libraries also have the opportunity for users to view past events on YouTube. Macquarie Library and the elementary learning commons both  have blogs, while Sydney University library has RSS feeds.

3. To allow users to contribute feedback
Social media provides an opportunity to get feedback from users. Libraries need to provide an effective service that promotes further library use. Social media provides that forum.
The three libraries allow opportunities for comments about events related to the library. All the libraries have guidelines about what types of comments that are allowable. Patrons can post negative comments but they must do so in appropriate language.  This applies to Facebook, twitter, and blogs.

4. To understand Users Better
Social media allows conversations with users, and these conversations often reveal important insights about the users needs. The library needs to provide services not from what the library thinks users need  but what actually they need.
The new Macquarie University Library (completed 2011)  is an example of where  consultation occurred on a number of levels.  Information about various meetings can be found on the blog and the Facebook  page provides regular information about the library.

   Sites Accessed

* Library - Macquarie University

* Macquarie University Library | Facebook

*  Macquarie University blog@library2010

* Macquarie University New Library » Welcome to blog@library2010!
* MQ_Library (MQ_Library) on Twitter

* New Providence Elementary School Learning Commons

* New Providence Elementary School Learning Commons on Facebook

*New Providence Elementary School Learning Commons on Twitter   (Mrs Fort is the Learning Commons Specialist at NPES)

*New Providence Elementary School Learning Commons , (Students Work)

*Sydney Uni Library (UniSydLibrary) on Twitter

 *University of Sydney Library | Facebook

*The University of Sydney - Library


* ALA.(2011) . The State of America’s Libraries Report: Social Networking.  Retrieved from

*University of California Berkeley Library.(2007). New Directives Initiative: Academic Libraries 2.0 Keynote: Meredith Farkas. Retrieved February 3rd 2013 from                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

INF506 OLJ Task 4. Building Academic Library 2.0

Activity:  View this YouTube video called 'Building Academic Library 2.0'. This is part of a symposium sponsored by Librarians Association of the University of California, Berkeley Division in 2007. While this presentation is over one (1) hour in duration, there are a number of key points raised by a number of speakers, including the keynote speaker Meredith Farkas, that relate to any library or information agency that is trying to transfrom their library into a 2.0 Library.

Consider advice provided by one or more of the speakers in terms of a library and information agency that you know (as an employee or user). Select five (5) key pieces of advice from these speakers, and consider how these may be applied to your library to help it embrace a Library 2.0 ethos. Write up your findings as a post (of no more than 350 words in your OLJ). 

Applications of Key pieces of advice

  • Partnership (Collaboration) - Jim Neal / Meredith Farkas
TL will need to work in adjusted partnership (collaboration) with class teachers and other staff members. In-servicing staff about ‘updated ‘ role of TL would be advantageous. The TL was CSU trained approximately 5 years ago. There have been changes in leadership and staff. Web 2.0 technologies used by staff are fairly recent and implemented by few.
  • Be aware of emerging technologies and opportunities
The TL should discover what Web2.0 tools the classroom teachers are using in the classroom. How are these tools being used? How much information were the students given about using the tools responsibly? Do students reference content use/? Is it referenced properly? How else could the web2.0 tools be used? How could the TL record what tools are used, who uses the tools and how are tools used?

  • Understand staff needs and limitations                                                                                              Remember to meet staff at point of need. (Concerns -Based Approach Model-CBAM)How,  when and to whom could the teachers  share their knowledge use of the SN tools with other staff? Empower teachers to teach others  so their learning can be valued.  

  • Communicate Better with patrons
Review how information about the library is promoted to the patrons. Set up a library blog and RSS feed to the blog from the school website. Set up a library twitter account to communicate library happenings. Put the library twitter widget on the school website for updates as they occur.

·         *            Develop a learning culture
The TL works 3 days a week and caters for 14 classes. All the sessions are RFF sessions for the class teachers.  Some of the sessions are research that is related to class themes, other times promoting of resources and borrowing.   Make ‘keeping up’ part of people’s job description. There is value for learning.

“Build into people’s jobs the requirement to work with new tools… this makes it clear that it’s a real job, it’s serious and it matters to the administration. (Farkas in University of California, 2007)


Farkas, M. (2012, November 29). The entrepreneurial library [web log post] Retrieved from


Hay, L. (2012). What is Library 2.0? [INF506 Module 3]. Retrieved February 2, 2013, from Charles Sturt University website:

University of California Berkeley Library.(2007). New Directives Initiative: Academic Libraries 2.0 Keynote: Meredith Farkas. Retrieved February 3rd 2013 from