Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Thoughts after  Reading The Intro and section 1 and 2 of the following

De Rosa, C., Cantrell, J., Havens, A., Hawk, J. & Jenkins, L. (2007). Sharing privacy and trust in our networked world: A report to the OCLC membership. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.  [ebook] Available

How do the concepts and findings in these sections of the OCLC report reflect your view of the socially networked world in 2012?

The socially networked world is a fast growing phenomenon. So fast in fact that many people do not stop to investigate various sites and the potential 'side effects'. People from older generations seem to be more cautious. Many of my friends 50+ are not on any networked site or if they are they use it sparingly.

I am amazed how many friends or acquaintances do not fully understand repercussions. I am also staggered by the amount of children under the age of 13 who are on sites such as Facebook. It seems that either their parents have allowed this or they themselves have altered the date of birth. These young people have interesting photos and they name their acquaintances. They have not put safety checks in place.

It is amazing how you can follow links and learn information about' friends' of  'friends' . I am certain that they wold be unaware who has access to these. The more prudent people are those who block the way, unless you ask to be invited.

I feel that I am more secure by being part of a group, like INF. It is a responsible way of learning about various aspects of networking.

I was also amazed how many sites are out there in the world. I also discovered that many of the findings were not surprising to me.

Monday, 19 November 2012

INF 506 Assignment 1: OLJ creation and first entry
A. What is Social Networking?

Social networking is a method of interacting with other people through a variety of digital media and technologies. It establishes interconnected internet communities that enable users to make contact with others with common interests, from around the world. Social networking enables users to articulate and make visible their social interests. This can result in connection between individuals and within groups.

Social networking has enabled internet users from being mainly searchers of information to being creators of information, building content and establishing online communities. It allows users to think critically, communicate with others, collaborate on projects and to be creative.

B. My Social networking technologies and sites

I started this blog as part of my TL studies.

I joined Facebook about 2 years ago but usually access it when I get an e-mail that informs me that there is new activity.I usually ask advice from my sons, in their early twenties, for assistance.

I am an avid user of Skype as I have friends and family overseas and interstate.  You can chat, view and post messages. It is not a Web 2.0 tool but it is a form of connection with others. I find it easier to keep the thread of the conversation.

C. My Expected Learning Outcome on INF506

As a 21st century teacher and learner I am aware of the need to be open to new technologies. Since commencing my CSU studies in November 2011 I have become more aware of this. I also have a daughter who is in her first year of high school and I feel it is important for me to try to understand some of the social networking  sites that are available. I hope that my immersion in this subject will enable me to be a more confident active participant in 21st Century technologies. I look forward to learning  about the ethical standards and benefits, of social networking ,for school communities